Since 2009 our mission at Net & Work is to create fantastic websites and services to innovate in customer service and identification. We bring balance in the relation between companies like e-commerce, retail, insurance, transport, delivery and their consumers.
A major directory to help customers in more than 10 countries with AI analysis on multicanal communication
Reader intelligence for media with SSO login, cross publisher subscription, personnalized contents and GDPR
Before Shopping uses big data to advise consumers on the best shop to buy and how to get money back with cashback
"Visitons et bougeons!" Coursmetrage shares through social media Elie's passion for running, good food and travel
Reco is the first phone call recording service to defend consumers in dispute, an alternative to registered letters
Codes de Réduction is one of the first french websites created to save money on online shopping with coupons and rebates
We are always hiring ! Our main teams are located in Paris and Bretagne but working remote is possible ! To get in touch with us for any question send us an email we will get back to you ASAP !
SASU au capital de 10.000€ | RCS 819695941 | NIF FR 95 819695941